Macron Calls on Israel to Stop Killing Gaza’s Women and Babies: A Detailed Analysis: November 12

Emmanuel Macron

Macron Calls on Israel

French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed a position, on the Israel Gaza conflict urging Israel to halt its bombing in Gaza. He specifically highlighted the importance of safeguarding civilians, particularly women and children. During an interview at the Élysée Palace with the BBC Macron strongly denounced the violence and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. This article examines the topics raised by Macron Israels response and his broader viewpoints, on matters.

Macron Calls on Israel

Macron’s Key Points:

1. No Justification for Bombing:

Emmanuel Macron firmly stated that there is “no justification” for Israel’s bombing in Gaza and emphasized the humanitarian toll on civilians, particularly women and children. While acknowledging Israel’s right to self-defense, he urged them to halt the bombings.

2. Ceasefire Benefits Israel:

Highlighting the broader implications, Emmanuel Macron stressed that a ceasefire would ultimately benefit Israel’s security in the mid-to-long run. He expressed concern that the bombing was creating resentment and negative sentiments in the region, potentially prolonging the conflict.

3. Condemnation of Hamas:

Macron made it clear that France condemns the “terrorist” actions of Hamas, reiterating the country’s stance that, like Israel, the U.S., the U.K., and other Western nations, considers Hamas a terrorist organization.

4. International Support for Ceasefire:

The French president Emmanuel Macron called on other world leaders, including those in the U.S. and the U.K., to join his calls for a ceasefire. He expressed hope that leaders globally would unite in urging an end to the violence.

Macron Calls on Israel

Israel’s Response:

In response to Emmanuel Macron’s comments, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that nations should condemn Hamas instead of Israel. He emphasized the connection between the actions of Hamas in Gaza and the potential for similar acts of terrorism globally.

Additional Insights from Macron:

1. Antisemitism and Unity:

Macron addressed concerns of violence spilling over from the Middle East into France and called for unity against antisemitism. He urged citizens of all faiths to condemn antisemitic acts “without ambiguity,” emphasizing the need for solidarity.

2. Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine:

Emmanuel Macron discussed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, describing it as imperialism and colonialism. He expressed France’s duty to support Ukraine in its defense and hinted at the possibility of future negotiations with Russia.

3. Online Extremism:

Touching on the issue of online extremism, Emmanuel Macron criticized social media giants Facebook (Meta) and Google, stating that they “just don’t deliver” on moderation. He emphasized the importance of effective content moderation to curb online hate speech.

4. Climate Change and Terrorism:

Macron highlighted the connection between climate change and terrorism, citing examples such as the impact on Lake Chad in West Africa. He underscored the need for international cooperation to address global challenges.


Q1: What is France’s stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict?

A1: France, as articulated by President Macron, condemns the ongoing bombing in Gaza by Israel, urging an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians, particularly women and children.

Q2: How does Macron view Hamas in the context of the conflict?

A2: Macron clearly condemns the actions of Hamas, labeling them as “terrorist.” France, like other Western nations, considers Hamas a terrorist organization.

Q3: What is Macron’s position on antisemitism in France?

A3: Macron calls on all French citizens to condemn antisemitic acts “without ambiguity” and emphasizes the importance of unity against antisemitism.

Q4: How does Macron characterize Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

A4: Macron describes Russia’s invasion as imperialism and colonialism, expressing France’s duty to support Ukraine in its defense.

Q5: What is Macron’s view on online extremism and social media companies?

A5: Macron criticizes Facebook’s Meta and Google, stating that they “just don’t deliver” on moderation of hate speech. He highlights the need for effective content moderation.

Q6: How does Macron connect climate change to terrorism?

A6: Macron mentions the impact of climate change, citing lower water levels at Lake Chad, which, he argues, contributes to political instability and pushes people toward terrorism.


In his interview, with the BBC President Macron sheds light on Frances stance regarding the Israel Gaza conflict emphasizing the need for a ceasefire and safeguarding of civilians. The article explores Macrons arguments Israels reaction and his wider viewpoints on topics ranging from antisemitism to climate change. As the world closely follows developments in the Middle East Macrons position adds a voice to the appeals, for peace and humanitarian concerns on a scale.

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